
You are a star Sharon. Your friend, Mavis Pittilla.
Mavis Pittilla
I first met Sharon Harvey in 2017 at the Arthur Findlay college. It was my first time at the college, On reflection I can genuinely say I feel very blessed to have met Sharon at the beginning of my journey as a medium.
When you first meet Sharon Harvey it is immediately clear that she is very passionate about her work as a teacher and a medium. Sharon is one of the most honest people you will meet she speaks her mind In a very unique caring way. I have always admired teachers who can tell students what it is they need to hear, sometimes this can be challenging for individuals, however Sharon is able to deliver teachings in such a caring way that students can listen, unfold and progress in a positive way on their journey. When Sharon speaks, it is clear that she has had many experiences in life that have been both challenging, and magical. She speaks often of how the spirit world have guided her through these experiences it is both inspiring and uplifting to hear Sharon's many stories of her life as a teacher medium. I would highly recommend Sharon Harvey as a teacher, medium. Her unique individual approach never fails to inspire.
I feel immensely grateful to know Sharon both as a Teacher and a dear friend.
Kate Hayes CSNU

It really encouraged me and made me feel better giving me more faith in my work as a painter and writer. The little picture is for you Sharon. Thank you for connecting me with my beloved grandmother!
Don't you think it looks very much like a wise Grandmother handing out a pair of shoes, saying "Come on take them and start walking.... I know it's not always easy but you can climb the mountain."
That was exactly what you told me she was telling or showing you. I know you said you do not see the people in the spirit world as you see the living but maybe it does comply in a way to what you saw inside of you.
Best Wishes, Gabriele.

Most surprisingly for me was the immediate contact to my deceased first husband, which I wasn't expecting at all, but which has led to me enabling to forgive him and dissolving the grudge I've been holding against for so long.
Funnily enough when we arrived home my present husband sat straight down at the piano and played "Somewhere over the rainbow" a song he has never played before and which was my parents' song to which my father had written new words for my mother. I asked why he had done it and he couldn't tell me - it had just crossed his mind. So perhaps there is some hope for him spiritually after all.
Please pass on these few words of thanks to Sharon for me. She is doing a wonderful service and I feel deeply grateful that I was allowed to sit with her.
Maybe we will meet again someday.
Sincere wishes, Maureen Drake.
Maureen Drake

Dear Sharon,
I want to thank you for the passion you have and are sharing on the course at the AFC in March.
I have been to the college many times before and I tell you it's not often a tutor is giving so much to everyone in the group from your heart.
Wishing you all good, lots of love, Angelica.